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April 21, 2011
Draft of Minutes of Board of Trustees Meeting of April 21, 2011

A meeting of the Board of Trustees was held this date at 4:05 PM at the Library with Trustees Little, Salerno, and Shea present and Trustee Merry present and presiding.  Ms. Tracy was present.  Mayor Driscoll and Trustees Buckley and Yale were absent.
Mr. John Doherty, Vice President of Eastern Wealth Management met with the Trustees to review their financial portfolio and discuss the current state of the economy.    Mr. Doherty went over the Library’s financial report with the Trustees and answered questions about the progress of the economic recovery.  Mr. Doherty also invited any interested Trustees to an Eastern Wealth seminar “Living in an Unbalanced Global Economy” scheduled for June 16, 2011.

Approval of minutes of February 17, 2011 – UNANIMOUS

Current Library Use and Financial reports were distributed.  As expected due to bad weather in February both circulation and attendance were down compared to February 2010.  However March circulation and attendance were both up slightly compared to March 2010.

Ms. Tracy reported that in March the second State Aid payment was received in the amount of $26,318. This brings the total State Aid received for FY11 to $50,474.

Ms. Tracy reported that she had met with the Mayor, the Finance Director and his Assistant about the FY12 Library Budget.  There was discussion of a possible reduction in the Gas Heating and Electricity line items.  However it was pointed out that the Library’s budget must meet the Municipal Appropriation Requirement to maintain certification.

Ms. Tracy reported work had begun on both the two flat roofs and repair of the brownstone.  Architect Bob Farley has been overseeing both projects.  The brownstone was power washed and scraped and will receive its coating as soon as warm temperatures allow.  One small section of the smaller roof had some rotted wood.  This was to be replaced and it is expected both roofs will be completed in another week.

There was a short discussion of the Library’s Artwork.  It was decided to move this agenda item to the June meeting.
Trustee Shea announced that he had submitted his letter of resignation. Appointed Trustee in 1997 he told the Board he felt this was the right time for him to step down.  The Board acknowledged his resignation with regret.   They thanked him for his many years of dedicated service including the last nine as Treasurer.

New Assistant Director Mary Behrle was introduced to the Trustees.  The Trustees welcomed her warmly and wished her great success.

Meeting adjourned at 5:45 PM.